Monday 20 June 2016

tefilla - Why do people frequently change tunes toward the end of Lecha Dodi?

Frequently, perhaps even most of the time, I've noticed that the chazan (prayer leader) for Kabalat Shabbat switches tunes for the last four verses of Lecha Dodi. Is there any reason for this, or are people just doing it because other people do it?


According to R' Ari Enkin, writing on Hirhurim:

Although there is a widespread custom to change the tune during Lecha Dodi when reaching the stanza of "Lo Tevoshi", it is actually quite unclear where this custom derives from. Some sources even suggest that it is baseless and evolved without reason.

I recommend that you read the whole piece and see what he's uncovered. Indeed, there doesn't seem to be a good reason to change tunes then. If anything, it might make sense to change tunes one verse earlier.

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