Wednesday 22 June 2016

halacha - Berachah LeVatalah (blessing in vain) retroactively

Can a Berachah be made LeVatalah retroactively?

What if you eat something that is spoiled, not realizing it until a bite or two in? You would not make a Berachah on spoiled food. But if you did, and you ate it, and then you realized it was spoiled, does your Berachah retroactively become in vain? Would it make a difference if you had either an extreme reaction or a neutral reaction?


See SA OC 206, 6: If he took in his hand a fruit in attempt to eat it, and the fruit fell from his hand and gets lost, or dirty and is lo unfit for consumption, ... He needs to say Baruch Shem Kevod Malchouto Leolam Vaed because he pronounced the name of G-d in vain.

So, at the time of the blessing there was no error and the blessing was appropriate in the circumstances. But retroactively it was unnecessary. The SA called this pronouncing the name of G-d in vain.

This Shulchan Aruch is from the Talmud Yerushalmi Berachot (folio 43b, chapter 6, halacha 1).

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