Friday 24 June 2016

hashkafah philosophy - Why did God create the mentally ill/ severely handicapped?

Why did God create people who are mentally ill or severely handicapped? They are not able to serve him in the same capacity and their lives seem to be full of difficulty and anguish. Why would God do such a thing?


I have heard anecdotally that these types of individuals (as well as children who die in infancy) posses souls that have been reincarnated in order to achieve a very slight thing that was omitted in a previous gilgul (soul-incarnation). God always gives people the tools they need to achieve their goals in this world, therefore if God gave these people less "tools" they must not need them in order to achieve the purpose they were put here for. Thus these people posses very rarefied souls who are extremely close to their ultimate tikkun. It is said that the Chazon Ish would stand up in the presence of such people for this reason.

...The father [of the disabled child], in honor of his son's bar mitzvah, took him to receive a brocha from the Chazon Ish. He made an appointment, and as he walked through the door, the Chazon Ish stood up. The father thought someone was coming in behind him, so he turned around to see if it was a Rosh Yeshiva, but there was nobody there. He said, "Rebbe, I'm just a simple Jew, please don't stand up." The Chazon Ish replied, "I'm not standing up for you; I'm standing up for your son. Don't you understand? He's from the higher neshamos of this world, this little child."

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