Tuesday 28 June 2016

halacha - Does an ivory spoon make hot tea non-kosher?

Both the handles of cutlery and entire spoons have been made of elephant ivory, which is from a tusk (a tooth) of an elephant. Elephant is of course not a kosher animal. Presumably, then, these spoons and cutlery would render any food eaten with them (hot) non-kosher as well (depending on circumstances). Does anyone have any sources (or additional arguments) that say as much, or that say the opposite? (Of course, for practical halacha, consult your rabbi rather than relying on what you read here.)


Bones of "neveila" (improperly slaughtered animal) that have no marrow or moisture do not impart forbidden taste (based on Shulchan Aruch 99:1) because they are not fit for eating (Taz 99:1). The Taz's reasoning should apply to the bones, tusks and other inedible parts of a temeiah (forbidden animal) as well.

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