Saturday 18 June 2016

halacha - Is one allowed to conditionally make Aliyah?

The Rambam (Melachim 5:9 - English here) lists the conditions whereby one is allowed to leave the Land of Israel. (Also discussed here).

Once one moves to the Land of Israel, it would appear that he is only allowed to leave if those conditions are met.

If someone moves to the Land of Israel with the intention of only living there for a limited amount of time (i.e. intending to move back to Diaspera after some time), is he halachicaly allowed to leave when that time comes if none of the conditions listed in the Rambam are met?

Or do we say that the condition he made when moving to Eretz Yisroel is null and void, since it goes against Halacha (and he is no longer halachically permitted to move back to Diaspera)?

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