Monday 2 November 2015

halacha - Should the shaliach tzibbur check the tzitzis of a tallis given to him to daven?

Some shuls require the shaliach tzibbur to wear a tallis for mincha which is normally given to him from shul property. Is he required to check the tzitzis before wearing it? Do we say that it would be “tircho detziburo” (a pain for the Community) to be kept waiting and anyway the tallis is probably kosher, or does he need to check it?


He would have to check it if he is going to make a bracha on it.

One solution to this problem is too declare ownerless your share in the Shul's tallit thereby making the tallit a borrowed tallit which is not obligated in tzitzit. This way it doesn't matter if they are invalid and you won't be making a bracha anyway.

(Sources: Mishna Brurah 13 sk 15, 8 sk 22 and Biur Halacha 8 sv Kodem)

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