Monday, 30 November 2015

What is the name of this digital low pass filter?

I found this digital filter in code I am working on. It is a low pass filter. In the code it is called an "alpha filter", but it is not the same as the alpha filter mentioned here.

I post the relevant code below:

float alpha = 0.7;
float prev = 0.0;

float filter(float sample) {
float filtered = (sample * alpha) + (prev * (1.0 - alpha));
prev = sample;
return filtered;

It looks like alpha should be in range [0,1]. By increasing alpha, the filter tracks the measurement with less delay, but lets more noise through.

I am tasked with writing library functions, and I would like to give this thing its proper name, and hopefully link to a Wikipedia article in the doc tags.


I'm new, so I can't add this comment to Matt L.'s answer.

It is not an exponential filter, the equation is actually:

y[n] = αx[n] + (1α)x[n1]

So it is a very short FIR filter, not an IIR filter. I'm not expert enough to know a specific name.


============================================= Followup:

I want to thank everyone for their upvotes. Yes, I've contributed to comp.dsp and I am a blogger at

Like all of you, I suspect that the intent of the function was to be an exponential filter and was coded erroneously.

If I were to name the filter as coded, I would call it a "Linear Interpolation Filter", or perhaps a "Subsamplesize Time Shift filter" when α is between zero and one. It would make more sense as such if the α and (1α) coefficients were reversed.

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