Monday 2 November 2015

halacha - Why isn't covering the place where hair meets the head good enough for a Sheitel?

See Can a Sheitel be made out of one's own hair? where the question wonders whether a woman is allowed to wear her own detached hair as a Sheitel.

In Fred's answer, he quotes the Shiltei Giborim (Shabbos 29a in dapei haRif) who says it is fine.

However, upon looking in the Shiltei Giborim, you will see a very interesting thing. He twice mentions(, the second time clearer then the first) that a woman's hair is only Ossur if it is attached AND the attachment can be seen.

He seems to be saying that if were one to wear a bandfall or headband on their actual attached hair where the head meets the hair, and the actual attachment itself is not visible, that would be OK too.

Unless I am wrong, not a mention of this Heter exists in any known seforim or Poskim.

Do you know of a Posek who allows use of this Heter? If not, why doesn't a single Posek mention this Heter? The Shiltei HaGibborim is the mother of the Leniency of the Sheitels, why isn't this important caveat well known and allowed?

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