Friday 27 November 2015

polymers - What are the dangers of melting HDPE and silicone? Is it even possible?

I've searched the internet and couldn't find a specific answer. There doesn't seem to be a single recycling company that takes empty silicone tubes (also know as mastic tubes) and recycles them. As a result, here in the UK it goes to landfill. Such a shame and doesn't seem right!

The tube is made from HDPE but is contaminated with the silicone inside it, usually used for sealing windows or bathrooms.

There is a chemical solution available that will strip out the silicone by dissolving it but that doesn't make commercial sense for two reasons;

  1. The cost and time involved

  2. You are left with a chemical to dispose of

Nobody wants these tubes and it has begun to annoy me!

I'm wondering if anyone could advise of the possibility / dangers of simply melting the empty tubes which result in a plastic mix of HDPE and silicone?

Would it work? Could it work?

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