Monday 23 November 2015

meaning - Help parsing 無事勝利

I'm not sure about the meaning of this sentences:


Is it saying that at ヘル・イン・ア・セルPPV, ロリンズ is going to return the リスト if he gets a clean victory over オーエンズ, because in the original broadcast(this is a Japanese translation of a wrestling broadcast) it says a different thing(it never anything about ロリンズ giving back the リスト after ヘル・イン・ア・セルPPV). I don't think 無事 is an adjective because adj + noun + する is ungrammatical.


無事勝利 is two words. Here 無事 is used as an adverb which means "without trouble" or "safely". 勝利 is a simple suru-verb that means "to win".

無事 here is interchangeable with 無事に. I think you already know how to turn a no- or na-adjective into an adverb by adding に. Some words work as standalone adverbs without に as well as standard adjectives.

  • 絶対に = 絶対 = absolutely: 絶対に勝利する = 絶対勝利する

  • 突然に = 突然 = suddenly: 突然に思い出す = 突然思い出す

  • 大変に = 大変 = very/strongly: 大変にありがたい = 大変ありがたい

However 確実 (certain) and 唐突 (sudden) do not work as standalone adverbs. It depends.

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