Autocorrelation function is Rxx(τ)=201+2τ2 So at τ=0Rxx(0)=20=E[X(t)X(t)]=E[X2(t)] The variance is Var[X(t)]=E[X2(t)]−E2[X(t)]=20−E2[X(t)] As X(t) is WSS (wide sense stationary) the mean is a constant. Is there any way to find its numerical value?
The limit limτ→∞Rx(τ), if it exists, equals E2[X(t)] and so E[X(t)]=0 in this case.
More generally, the mean of a WSS process is nonzero only if the power spectral density has an impulse at the origin. This can be applied to periodic autocorrelation functions such as cos(ω0t) pointed out in @MattL's comment. If the Fourier series for a periodic autocorrelation function has a nonzero DC term, the mean is nonzero.
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