Wednesday 25 November 2015

halacha - Can a wife demand a divorce from an abusive husband

I was reading

And I saw

The husband who hits his wife, curses her, ridicules her, insults her, or insults his wife's parents in the presence of his wife, .., or whose general mode of communication with his wife is through temperamental outbursts and disrespectful language, creates a situation which is untenable. The wife cannot be expected to live in such an environment, and she is well within her rights to demand a divorce.
In this situation, the wife must be able to show that this is not a rare occurrence, or an isolated outburst, but that it is reflective of the husband's usual demeanor. 
The wife whose husband forces her into conjugal relations during her menstrual period may also demand a divorce. This is the case even if she may not be scrupulous with regard to observing the laws of menstruation, which forbid conjugal union during that period and seven days beyond.

Is this the halacha?
What are the sources of this?
Does she get the kesuba in these cases?

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