Saturday 14 November 2015

adsorption - Is the rate of desorption dependent on pressure?

While I was learning about Langmuir's adsorption isotherm in my chemistry class, my teacher talked about the situation when the rate of adsorption and desorption will become equal. However, he mentioned that the rate of adsorption is dependent on pressure but the rate of desorption is not and when he gave an explanation I wasn't satisfied with it. I would imagine that greater the external pressure on the adsorbent lesser will be the tendency of the adsorbate particles to leave the surface. But that isn't what my teacher said. Please explain.


Without knowing exactly what you were told its hard to be exact, but here is a description of the situation.

The Langmuir model makes assumptions (a) adsorption is complete when the surface is filled with one gas molecule per site, (b) all adsorption sites are equivalent (i.e. the same) and (c) adsorption and desorption are separate processes, i.e. one does not depend on the other, i.e if one site is occupied it does not affect adjacent sites an any way. Note that this is a model and this determines how we look at the problem. The model is then $$M(g) + S(surface) = GM(surface) $$ where G is gas and S surface and rate constant for adsorption is $k_a$ and for desorption $k_d$.

We let $\theta$ be the extent of adsorption which varies from 0 to 1, i.e. how full the surface is, then the rate of change of $\theta$ depends on the rate constant for adsorption , pressure and fraction of vacant sites or $N(1-\theta)$ for N vacant sites. Thus for adsorption $$ \frac{d\theta}{dt} = k_aPN(1-\theta) $$

and for desorption $$ \frac{d\theta}{dt} = -k_dN\theta $$

At equilibrium we make the rate of change equal to zero, i.e. rate of adsorption equals rate of desorption and with a bit of algebra find that $$\theta=\frac{KP}{KP+1}$$ where K is the equilibrium constant or $K=k_a/k_d$ This equation has the fancy name as the Langmuir Isotherm.

You can see that the rate going onto the surface must be equal to the pressure (no gas, no adsorption) and the area free to adsorb onto $(1-\theta)$. (We assume in this model than no molecule double adsorbs; this is dealt with in more advanced treatments). The rate leaving has to be proportional to the amount already there , i.e. proportional to N the total number of surface sites multiplied by the fraction covered.

Ask more questions in the comments if this is not clear.

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