Thursday 2 April 2015

slang - Are any Japanese words ever intentionally misspelled for any reason?

I came across the words "Boyz", and "EZ" in English, and wondered if any Kanji characters were used in the same way. Thank you very much.


(It's easier to give examples using kana (それで, もうやめ, 止めください, こ, イターネット, メーノレ, ふいんき, ようつべ, ...), but you want examples with kanji? Okay...)

{{pad}} For historical reasons Japanese kanij compounds can have dozens of 同音異字語 (homophones; words that share the same reading but have different kanji). And some argot and net-slang words are based on this fact. Perhaps the best-known example is 厨房, which is from a misspelling(?) of 中坊 (cf. Use of 厨 on the Internet). Similar examples are writing 脂肪【しぼう】 ("fat") instead of 死亡【しぼう】 ("death"), writing 妊娠【にんしん】 ("pregnant") instead of 任信【にんしん】 ("Nintendo fanboy").

{{pad}} Many slang words were made by creating funny ateji for existing words (including loanwords). 夜露死苦 meaning よろしく is a typical example (cf. Origin of 夜露死苦?) Other famous examples are 鯖【さば】 meaning server, プロ串【くし】 (or just 串) meaning proxy, 垢【あか】 meaning account, 尼【あま】 meaning, 裏山【うらやま】 meaning うらやましい ("I envy it").

Most of the words I wrote here are more or less dirty or at least heavily slangy, so please don't try to use them. I won't.

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