Monday 6 April 2015

halacha - Machlokes Deoraisa vs Muttar - non-Jew vs Jew

If one Rav paskens somemthing is Asur Deoraisa and another Paskens totaly mutar, beshas hadechak is it better to get a non jew to do it or a jew whose rav holds its muttar?

For example, if a certain city has a machlokes on an eruv (where the tzad isur holds deoraisa) and a mohel forgot to bring his knife to a baby's house for a milah on shabos, is it better to get a non jew to carry the baby/knife or for a jew who carries to do it?

Other examples of such situations are welcome in the comments.

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

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