Saturday, 18 April 2015

environmental chemistry - How much CO2 could you remove from the atmosphere with 2 trillion USD?

I know it's possible to capture $\ce{CO2}$ with various chemical reactions. For example NASA's space shuttle had some kind of regenerative $\ce{CO2}$ scrubber. But how expensive is it? Could a huge number of these devices, or something like it, significantly reduce the atmosphere's $\ce{CO2}$ level?

I realize this is probably not practical, but it's an interesting thought experiment. To make my question more specific: can anyone show some rough calculations of how much $\ce{CO2}$ you could remove if you had, say, 2 trillion USD to spend? To simplify, assume that energy is at current prices, but clean. (i.e., if the device requires electricity, assume it's coming from a nuclear power plant, solar farm, etc.).

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