Friday 20 March 2015

grammar - What is the difference between "ato ichinen" and "ichinen go"?

Both mean "after 1 year" right? Are they the same or a bit different in usage? When do you use "go" and "ato"? Example : "ato ichinen shitara Nihon ni iku" and "ichijikan go ni iku". Are they interchangable?


They might be confusing, but:

  • 一年後 いちねんご ichinen go — one year after(wards); one year later

  • 一年後 いちねんあと ichinen ato — one year later; one year behind

  • 後一年 あといちねん ato ichinen — one year remaining; one year to go (until)

(The word あと is written in hiragana more often than not.)

So, there are significant differences between them, though I don't deny they could be used interchangeably in some situations.

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