Saturday 28 March 2015

translation - What does the expression くそかわ mean?

I read many times the expression くそかわ referred to babies, what does it exactly mean in english?

I know that くそ means "damn" while かわ comes from かわいい, right?

So damn cute?

Thank you!


Yes, right. くそ・クソ・糞 is used in place here for what usually would be すごく, e.g.

くそかわ = すごく可愛い
くそうめぇ = すごくうまい (=すごくおいしい)

(As slang is usually more versatile, there are more expressions with クソ, where すごく isn't a valid substition, e.g. 糞美人. Also, note that くそ isn't traditionally a positive interjection/prefix/..., but traditionally used to embellish derogatory terms.)

I'm not 100% on the precise ordering, but クソ is probably the most recent of a series of similar expressions

めっちゃうまい (from むちゃくちゃ)
まじうまい (from 真面目)

In any case, as you guessed, it is a stronger expression, just as in English:

くそかわ "damn cute"
すごくかわいい "really cute"

As you say, かわ is just a short form of かわいい, as common with all "i-adjectives", うまい => うま(っ), すごい => すご etc.

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