Tuesday 31 March 2015

tefilla - Explain apparent contradiction regarding "binah" in the bracha "Chonen Hada'at"

The Bracha Chonen Hada'at seems to have an apparent contradiction regarding "binah".

The beginning of the blessing separates "da'at" from "binah" by implying that "G-d gives man graciously da'at and teaches a man 'binah'"

My rav explained this distinction. "Da'at" - wisdom is a gift that G-d gives us. But 'binah' is the ability to distinguish things such as good vs. bad / right vs. wrong. That must be learned and G-d helps man learn this.

OK - I understand this explanation. However, at the end of the bracha, we ask G-d to "Give us graciously ...'binah'". So it seems that we are asking G-d to give us 'binah' as a gift, not to teach it to us.

Is this contradictory, or what is the meaning implied by the request at the end of the bracha?

NOTE: The link uses Nusach Ashkenaz. The phrasing in Nusach Sfard is different, but still implies the same idea.


In the Siddur Shai LaMora he explains that Bina is earned through toil (as your rav explained) and then goes on to say that in the second half we are asking that despite the fact that it requires this work and effort, we are still asking for it to be given for free (as in Rashi's explination of VesChanan).

So we introduce it - you give Da'at and give us the ability to toil to earn Bina. Please give us both for free.

Perhaps we can understand this according to a story between the Tzemach Tzedek and the Alter Rebbe of Lubavitch. At one point, the Alter Rebbe offered the Tzemach Tzedek to give him a blessing for great insight into Torah, and the Tzemach Tzedek demurred, saying he wanted to earn the Torah through his own efforts.

When he was older, the Tzemach Tzedek said he regretted that decision, since in Torah there are always higher levels to earn, and he could have been so much further.

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