Sunday 22 March 2015

historical figures - Is IshBoshet, Saul's son, his real original name?

Boshet means shameful or abomination.

Did his parents name him that?

In short, the question is whether that's his original name.


According to Divrei HaYomim 1 8:33 and Divrei Hayomim 1 9:39 his real name was Ashba'al.

ונר הוליד את קיש וקיש הוליד את שאול ושאול הוליד את יהונתן ואת מלכי שוע ואת אבינדב ואת אשבעל

The Radak explains why he is called Ish Boshes since his name ended in Ba'al it was translated to Boshes, and according to Rashi it was changed to Boshes as a deragortory to the Ba'al.

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