Wednesday 25 March 2015

slaughter shochet shecht - How can pigs and shellfish be kosher for bnei Noach?

As a ben Noach, I watch what meat I eat. I eat kosher or halal cut meat only. However, I think that bnei Noach aren't forbidden from eating pig meat or shellfish.

How would I make sure that such meat is kosher for bnei Noach? Would it be as simple as just making sure the limbs of the animal are intact upon slaughter?

Since bnei Noach food is mostly a superset of Jewish kashrut, I would think most kashrut and shechita laws pertain only to Jewish laws and that it wouldn't focus on bnei Noach shechita laws as much or at all(sadly).

I personally indirectly solve this by staying away from pig meat, but technically I would think I could consume pig meat. Same thing with shellfish, etc.

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