Thursday 26 March 2015

minhag - People half-standing for אלקינו in zimun

When conducting a zimun with ten or more men, the nusach is to say "...ברוך אלקינו שאכלנו משלו".

I have noticed that many people, when saying the word "אלקינו", get up from their seats at least a little bit, similar to the respectful gesture many people do when the rav gets up to speak.

What is the reason (if there is one at all) for this practice, and what is its source?


It is said in name of Rav Chaim Soloveitchik that when we say Elokenu it makes the Zimun into a Davar Shebikedusha. That is the reason why some people stand when they say Elokenu, since according to some the Minhag is to stand during a Davar Shebikedusha. This Minhag is not universal. Sefardim do not stand by Kaddish in many cases.

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