Monday 23 March 2015

set phrases - meaning of "目{め}に見えるほど、〜"

I wanted to say:

"As best can be predicted, economic conditions will continue to worsen"

I tried:

  1. 見{み}える ほど、景気{けいき}が悪くなっているようです。

  2. 分析{ぶんせき} できるほど、景気が悪くなっているようです。

  3. 推測{すいそく} できるほど、景気が悪くなっているようです。

A native speaker offered this as the best translation:


The "目に見えるほど" phrases seems very strange to me.

  • "目に見せる" seems possible.

  • "目で見えた" seems possible (but redundant).

I don't understand the sense of "目に見える".
Is this phrase really a metaphor?
What are some contexts in which "目に見える" can be used?


Does "as best can be predicted" mean something like "as far as one can predict" or "in the foreseeable future"? If so, I think your native speaker got it wrong. Try these instead:

  • 予見【よけん】可能な範囲で、

  • 予測可能な範囲で、

  • 予測できる限り、

  • Xできる範囲で、X可能な限り = as far as one can do X

  • Xできるほど = to the point where one can do X, so that one can do X

So 目に見えるほど literally means "to the point where it is visible to (my) eyes".

And "ようです" means "It looks like ~", referring to something in the present. You have to use "~しそうです", "~するでしょう", or "~するだろう" if you want to describe something in the future.

My best translation would be:


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