Thursday 26 March 2015

linear systems - In the context of transfer functions, what is the relationship between the terms "proper", "causal", and "realizable"?

I am thinking about these terms in the context of linear control.

A transfer function is proper if the degree of the numerator is not greater than the degree of the denominator. I've read often that improper transfer functions are "not causal". I also often see the word "unrealizable" used often in this context.

If a control transfer function I've designed is improper, does that mean it is "causal" and/or "unrealizable"? What is the difference between these terms? What do they mean in practice?


Causality is a necessary condition for realizability. Stability (or, at least, marginal stability) is also important for a system to be useful in practice.

For linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, which are fully characterized by their transfer function, we get realizability constraints on the transfer function. For continuous-time LTI systems, if we work at frequencies for which the lumped element model is valid, we require the system's transfer function to be rational for the system to be realizable. Also for discrete-time LTI systems we require rationality of the transfer function, which implies that the system can be realized by adders, multipliers, and delay elements.

For an LTI system to be causal and stable, its poles must lie in the left half-plane (for continuous-time systems), or inside the unit circle (discrete-time systems). From this it follows that the rational transfer function of an LTI system must be proper, otherwise you would get one or more poles at infinity, causing the system to be unstable (or non-causal).

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