Monday 5 December 2016

zemanim - Assistance with on-line articles on "Bein Hashmashot"

I'm compiling a shiur that I plan to give on Rosh Hashanna that focuses on Ben Hashmashot (twilight). I know that there is much confusion and many opinions on how this is defined. The shiur will take about 15 minutes, so, obviously, I can't cite too many opinions on this.

I'd like to focus on these basic items in the shiur:

  • The foundation of the debate on how to interpret how long it actually is. I know that this is mentioned in the Gemarah but I'm uncertain where

  • A concise definition of the timing according to the most commonly current accepted opinions. When it starts; when it ends.

  • A concise list of some of the halachic items that Ben Hashamashot affects. Some I can think of are Tosefet Shabbat, Time to start Ma'ariv, birth dates, yahrtzeits, date of death. There are others.

I've been hunting on-line and sifting through various articles and I can't quite find something that's concise enough to focus on these ideas. Perhaps a reader, here, has some suggestions to assist me on this? I'm not seeking you to answer things, here. A reference to some good on-line articles will suffice for me.

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