Thursday 14 April 2016

halacha - Eating on someone else's untoveled dishes

One must tovel (immerse in a mikve) various kinds of dishes before first use, and may not eat from his own dishes until they are toveled. Is it likewise forbidden to eat from someone else's untoveled dishes?


In Hilchos Tevilas Keilim by Rav Dov Cohen, he brings sources which permit eating using untoveled keilim in someone else's house, although, if memory serves, R. Moshe Feinstein forbade it. It should be noted, that according to Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky and others, one is not obligated to tovel glazed crockery at all, as noted here.

Rav Eliezer Melamed notes that according to the majority of poskim, it is forbidden for a guest to eat from untoveled keilim. Nevertheless there are several poskim who allow it, and he permits one to follow them, especially if not doing so will lead to a problem with 'darchei shalom'.

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