Tuesday 29 December 2015

product recommendation - Where can I get dark blue Techelet for my tzizit and talit?

I want to buy some techelet and white tzizit. I want the techelet to match the color in this picture and to be made by Ptil Tekhelet foundation. However, when I try to contact them on their website I get no response. (I've tried 3 times now)

ancient techelet

Does anyone know where in Northern Israel I can buy this, or a better way to contact the company?

Most improtantly, I want the techelet to be this color, and not the lighter blue that many people buy. Because this fabric is from Masada during the 1st centruy and to me, leaves all doubt as to what color techelet is supposed to be. (it hasn't changed color in 1900 years)


I was unable to ever get a hold of them. My best bet was to go to Jeruselem and buy them from the many stores there. I was able to find some dark threads, but none as dark as this picture.

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