Monday 28 December 2015

dictionary - What is the order of the full list of kana?

My question would be, if I were to pick up a Japanese dictionary, or had a project in which I needed to put several Japanese words (including hiragana, katakana, and kanji, with gojūon, dakuon, yōon, sakuon and the digraphs) in order, what would be the correct "alphabetical" order? I understand some of it, such as the fact that they all need to be read according to the gojūon order (a ka sa ta...) in hiragana form, and the smaller forms of kana come after the original forms.

I looked everywhere online and was unable to find a full list or explanation to this, I only found the separate tables for kana, which only confused me more.

I am only a beginner to learning the language, and every little helps me to understand it and the culture better!

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