Tuesday 22 December 2015

halacha - What is "ol mitzvot" for a convert?

A convert is suppoed to accept the ol mitzvot, the burden of halacha but does this mean an explicit intent to follow the mitzvot or simply the acceptance that there is a punishment if the mitzvot are not kept properly?

If a covert goes out to a treif restaurant after the conversion (as per the situation inm minute 17 of http://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/736032/Rabbi_Dani_Rapp/Topics_in_Geirus:_Kabalas_Ol_Mitzvos) the judges have the right to say that the acceptance of the mitzvot is lacking and the geirut is null. But what if the convert says "I now intend to go and commit an aveirah and I accept that hashem will punish me as per the halachot of Judaism to which I am bound"?

The ol mitzvot is explicitly accepted. Does the action or the mindset control the status of the conversion? Is it kabbalat OL mitzvot or kabbalat KIYUM hamitzvot?

Note -- I am not talking about a case where a woman on the verge of conversion knows she has to work on one more yom tov but generally intends to keep mitzvot (I was told there is a tshuva on that), but a case where someone, with full malice aforethought, accepts and agrees with mitzvot but does not intend to keep mitzvot (either all, or one particular one); he sincerely accepts that there will be divine punishment for his decision.

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