Monday 28 December 2015

how to - How does an engaged person find a chosson/kallah (pre-marriage) class teacher?

How does an engaged person find a chosson/kallah (pre-marriage) class teacher? Preferably a good one?

Is it "just ask around"? Ask a rabbi? Is there any good way to compare different people, or is there just "the usual person"?


Might be worth trying; I think they offer some teacher training so they might be able to recommend teachers. (While primarily for women, I wouldn't be surprised if they knew of male teachers too.)

I think Young Israel occasionally runs teacher training for its rebbetzins, but again, I'm not sure how many such teachers they are or where, or who to contact.

My impression is that depending on the size of the community and role the the rabbi/rebbetzin, sometimes they're the ones giving the classes, but in a larger community, or if the bride/groom doesn't currently have a clearly-defined synagogue rabbi, it becomes "somebody else's problem."

The OU says they're working on talking with rabbis and schools about improving pre-marital education, so we'll see if this changes soon.

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