Monday 28 December 2015

halacha - What's the Bishul Akum heter for hard-boiled eggs?

I've seen prepackaged hard-boiled eggs in the grocery store with an OU. As eggs are relatively inedible raw, what is the heter vis-a-vis bishul akum for them? (Or are they having a Jewish mashgiach turn on the equipment in the factory?) Would we say they're not fit for a state banquet?


This is the response I received to my query from the OU.

Dear Gershon, Thank you for contacting the OU. They are bishul yisroel. Please do not hesitate to contact us again should you have any further questions. Sincerely, The Web(be) Rebbe Orthodox Union Kashruth Division

So there is no Bishul Akum Heter being used with supervised hard boiled eggs.

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