Tuesday 10 November 2015

product recommendation - Kosher shoe-polish to blacken tefillin

Based on this question: Do Tefilin need to be painted with "special" ink?

Based on the answers, we know that the paint used on the retzuah must be derived from kosher animals (or plants and synthetics). It may not be derived from un-kosher animals (e.g. pig, elephant, camel, et c.).

Taking this into account, are there any shoe polishes (which can be used to blacken tefillin) which are made only from acceptable ingredients which are available in the Eastern US?


According to a previous answer posted by Maimonist, Kiwi shoe polish fulfills the parameters above. I double checked this with a quick internet search, which turned up a Wired article which listed the ingredients and their origins. I subsequently checked with my rav, who validated the premise of my question and said that Kiwi shoe polish is kosher for such a purpose.

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