Friday 20 November 2015

kashrut kosher - Is human blood treif?

OK, I know it isn't kosher, but what is the shiur? And do we hold "chetzi shiur assur min haTorah"? For an application, what if you get a cut while hiking in the woods; is it assur to clean the wound with your mouth? (am I absolutely disgusting to even think to do this? It seems quite natural...)

What about if you bite your tongue or cheek; are you required to soak up the blood with a napkin until it stops bleeding? Spit out any blood you might taste?


Actually, according to Yoreh De'ah 66:10, your own Human blood is only Assur because of Maris Ayin (similar to fish blood). Therefore:

  • If it's still in your own mouth, and it doesn't leave, you may swallow it.

  • If it leaves your mouth, you may not swallow it

  • Also, if it gets on food (e.g. you're biting into a sandwich), you may not eat it (i.e. the blood on the food; not the entire food item)

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