Sunday 10 January 2016

word choice - The verbs of learning: 勉強する, 習う and 学ぶ

How are the following verbs which are related to learning different to each other?

  • 勉強する

  • 習う

  • 学ぶ



The original character is: 學

Meaning 2 hands writing characters and teaching a child

学ぶ is to imitate (or assimilate and repeat) what the teacher says. Study a subject from a teacher.

Most meaningful examples:

私たちは学ぶために学校に行く (We go to school to learn.)

私は日本語を学びはじめてから40年になる (It is forty years since I began the study of Japanese.)

英語を学び始めた (I started to learn English)


This character is composed of 羽 (wings) and 白 (clear/understand)

It shows how to learn by repeated practice like a small bird learning to fly.

Most meaningful examples:

バイクの乗り方を習う (learning to ride a bike)

車の運転を習っていない (I haven't learned to drive - I can't drive)

書道を習うのは楽しい (Learning calligraphy is fun.)


勉 = make an effort 強 = powerful

It came to be used for "to study" but outside the class. Nobody teaches you, you "force" yourself to study something, do you homework, assimilate a lesson...etc.

Most meaningful examples:

先生は私にもっと勉強するようにと言った (The teacher told me study harder.)

これからもっと勉強します (I'll study harder in future)

Examples taken from EDICT and organized for this answer in the correct categories.

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