Wednesday 27 January 2016

signal analysis - $lim limits_{a to 0} frac{1}{a}[u(frac{t}{a}+frac{1}{2})-u(frac{t}{a}-frac{1}{2})]= delta(t) $

It would be very helpful if someone could provide the intuitive reasoning and mathematical proof for:


$$ \lim_{a \to 0} F_a(t) = \delta(t) $$

where $u(t)$ is the unit step function and $\delta(t)$ is the unit impulse function.

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

For example, if I say マイクロソフト内のパートナーシップは強いです, is the 内 here read as うち or ない? Answer 「内」 in the form: 「Proper Noun + 内」 is always read 「ない...