Friday 29 January 2016

sources mekorot - Each generation in which the Temple wasn't rebuilt it's as if it was destroyed anew

I've often heard the phrase "In each generation in which the Temple isn't rebuilt, it's as if it was destroyed anew". כל דור שלא נבנה בית המקדש בימיו, כאילו נחרב בימיו.

I'm trying to find the earliest source for this phrase. A search on Sefaria brought six late, mostly chassidish sources:

  1. Shemiras HaLashon (Chofetz Chaim, quoting Chazal)

  2. Pri HaAretz [1] and [2] (Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, quoting Razal)

  3. Pele Yoetz (Rabbi Eliezer Papo)

  4. Yismash Moshe (Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum of Satmar)

  5. Likkutei Halachos (Rabbi Nosson of Breslov)

I found in the Yerushalmi Yoma 1:1 the phrase:

כל דור שאינו נבנה בימיו מעלין עליו כאילו הוא החריבו

Any generation in which [the Temple] was not rebuilt in their days, They consider it upon them as if they destroyed it

This version is much harsher, blaming the generation itself. I'm looking specifically for the earliest source of the softer version quoted above, that it was as if it was destroyed.

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