Friday 22 January 2016

halacha theory - Was Be'er Miryam Kosher as a Mikve?

Following "did-the-bnei-israel-go-to-the-mikveh-in-the-desert":

Based on our Halacha, given its divine supernatural essence, would Be'er Miryam be Kosher as a Mikve, if its water would pour out to a pool?

Could, for example, Rashbi create a Kosher supernatural pool by uttering sacred names?

I seek to see Halachic discussions similar to "what blessing fo we recite on Manna?". Simply citing Rabbis speculating that as only the well's waters were available in the desert they served for Mikve purposes is not enough.


Gemara Shabbos 35a:

אמר רב מעין המיטלטל טהור וזהו בארה של מרים

Rav said: A spring that is portable, i.e., that moves from place to place, is ritually pure and is regarded as an actual spring and not as drawn water. And what is a movable spring? It is Miriam’s well.

Rashi explains, that it could be used as a mikvah.

טהור - מלקבל טומאה וטובלין בו דלאו ככלי דמי להיות המים הנובעין ממנו כשאובין ואין לך מעין מיטלטל אלא בארה של מרים

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