Sunday 10 January 2016

tznius modesty - Which communities accept sheitels (wigs) as adequate hair coverings for married women?

Assuming that married women need to cover their hair today (I'm not going into that discussion), which communities accept that a sheitel is considered a covering?


I'm making this a community wiki, so please fill in as you can.

Are there communities that will wear synthetic but not human-hair?

You'll hear plenty of rabbis saying "a sheitel is no good if it looks too attracting", but that's subjective. I'm looking for yes or no, does a wig count as covering.

You'll also hear of rabbis who paskened they don't count, but often the community practice is otherwise.

  • American and Israeli yeshivish communities -- sheitels are the norm.

  • Yekkes, old-school or yeshivish -- sheitels are fine.

  • Chabad-Lubavitch -- I'd seen the quote from the Rebbe zt'l that sheitels are a good option ("kerchiefs can suddenly disappear into a pocket if you feel embarrassed"); is this both synthetic and human?

  • Israeli Dati-Leumi and Charedi Dati-Leumi -- sheitels aren't the norm; is that a halachic thing or a practical/sociological one?

  • American MO machmir -- accepted, if not loved.

  • Hassidic, non-chabad (חג״ת) -- was it the Belzer Rebbe who said sheitels don't count? Is that still Belz custom? Do other Hassidic communities all accept sheitels?

  • Satmar -- encouraged.

I know R' Ovadiah Yosef shlit'a says sheitels don't count; which non-Ashkenazic communities follow his psak?

  • Syrians?

  • Persians? (And Bukharians as well I assume?)

  • Spanish-Portuguese?

  • North Africans?

  • Others?

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