Sunday 10 January 2016

word choice - Meaning of 顔をする?

Does 顔をする mean to make a face or to have a particular type of face? When I looked at the Japanese dictionary definition for する, it was quite confusing since one had ある状態・性質であることを示す compared to 人や物がある形・色・性質である。また,人がある服装・顔の形・表情である。This gets particularly frustrating when I see a sentence such as 顔していない because I cannot tell if it's progressive or resultave if I don't know whether it means to make an expression or to have an expression. For example, I was watching Saekano episode 6, and at the last minute, there is a scene where the main girl sees a sketch of her and she reacts.


The official translation is "I don't make a face like that at all," but I am not too sure how reliable the translation is. For starters, I don't know whether it is progressive or resultave. If it is resultave and 顔をする means to make a face, then the actual translation would be "I didn't make that face at all." However, if it is progressive, then there are even more possibilities. If 顔をする means "to make an expression" then it could mean that she doesn't make that face habitually, but if 顔をする means "to have an expression" then she could be speaking strictly about the present and not anything habitual (i.e. that's not the face she's making right then and there).

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

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