Sunday, 10 January 2016

taamei mitzvot reasons - Why do קידוש החדש על פי הראייה?

There is a מחלוקת about what the "real" or perhaps more desirable way to do קידוש החדש is. רבינו בחיי quotes from רבינו חננאל that it is best done על פי חשבון. However, the majority of ראשונים disagree and say that it is meant to be done על פי הראייה. Seemingly, doing it על פי חשבון makes sense - we know exactly when the new month starts and that is what we use to set the months.

Why would (i.e. I'm looking for possible טעמי המצווה) we have to do קידוש החדש על פי הראייה? It seems imprecise and also introduces a lot of extra bother into the entire process!

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

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