Friday, 6 January 2017

filters - Compute the time derivative of a noisy digital signal?

The issue is that my signal is very noisy. I need extract its time derivative as accurate as possible. P.S. I do not have any prior knowledge on the signal (black box).

On forums some suggested Savitzky-Golay filter.

Any idea please? If so, is there any c++ library for the purpose?

In fact, for my application I need to compute optical-flow like information for control purpose. I compute an estimate using image information. Then I need to compute the time derivative of this estimate.

4th order Savitzky Golay filter introduces delay, yet I need the output in real-time (real time control). For info:

  • The signal is regularly sampled;

  • The noise is not defined but bounded;

  • The output needs to be real-time: delay-minimal;

  • The signal is black box: I only get a measure each iteration.

enter image description here

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