Thursday, 5 January 2017

fft - What does the exponential term in the Fourier transform mean?

We know that Fourier transform F(ω) of function f(t) is summation from to + product of f(t) and ejωt:

F(ω)=+f(t) ejωt dt

Here, what does the exponential term mean?


It's a complex exponential that rotates forever on the complex plane unit circle:


You can think of Fourier transform as calculating correlation between f(t) and a complex exponential of each frequency, comparing how similar they are. Complex exponentials like that have the nice quality that they can be time-shifted by multiplying them with a complex number of unit magnitude (a constant complex exponential). If the Fourier transform result at a particular frequency is a non-real complex number, then the complex exponential of that frequency can be multiplied by that complex number to get it shifted in time so that the correlation to f(t) is maximized.

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