Friday 11 March 2016

women - Who gets more rewarded for the Mitzvah of procreation?

The man is obligated in the mitzvah of Pru Urivu (Having children 1 male 1 female) while the woman is not (technically it's a machlokes in the gemara, but we hold of the one that they're not chayav). Normally a person doing an obligated mitzvah gets rewarded more than a non obligated person doing it voluntarily (Kidushin 31a)

However, there's also a rule that the more difficult and painful the mitzvah is, the more reward one gets. Additionally, the man is only able to complete the mitzvah because of her (and vice versa). So even though the woman is not commanded she should get some of her husbands reward for undertaking such pain.

So who in the end gets more reward? (this is obviously a purely academic question. Not really any practical implications)

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