Friday, 25 March 2016

tefilla - Minyan, netz hachamoh, and precision in time

There are halachic sources that discuss the importance of davening shemona esrei at netz (at sunrise), some of which state that it is preferable to daven at netz over davening with a minyan (at least for those accustomed to davening at netz).

When davening with a minyan around netz, how precise do we consider the categorization of "davening netz?" In other words: Do we attempt to be as arbitrarily precise as possible, or do we assume a margin for "visible netz," seeing as historically they didn't have the same ability to keep time during the gemara?

In terms of practical application, would it be preferable for one to start davening shemona esrei at netz even if it entailed lagging behind or running ahead of the minyan they are presently attending?

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