Friday, 18 March 2016

halacha - Is a minyan required for Sheva Brachot?

I am planning to make a Sheva Brachot meal in my home. But, it seems that we have only 7 men. A guest told me that we need a minyan of 10 men. I'm not sure. I know that you can have zimun with at least 3. My assumption is that Sheva Brachot is somehow attached to the zimun as it immediately follows benching, and there are also some minor changes to the beginning of the zimun phrasing, as well.

I'm not asking for psak, here; just for some sources on the matter.


According to the answer is yes because all seven of the brachos (from the wedding) are said - hence the name. Here is the relevant paragraph. Note that if there are other sheva brachot being arranged for this couple, someone who has not been at any of the other meals must be present.

A minyan (quorum of ten adult Jewish men) must be present in order to recite the Sheva Brachot. This is an important detail to bear in mind when creating the guest list! If there is no minyan, only the last blessing of the Sheva Brachot, the Asher Barah blessing, is recited over a cup of wine -- and this, too, only if there are three adult men (a "mezuman") present.

Another important consideration to take into account when creating a guest list is the need for the presence of a "new face," i.e. someone who wasn't present by the wedding or any of the previous Sheva Brachot. Click here for more on this topic.

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