Wednesday 2 March 2016

halacha - Is idolatrous belief forbidden for gentiles, or is it just practice?

Suppose a non-Jew believes that there are multiple gods, but he does not worship them in any way. Is this a violation of the prohibition against idolatry for gentiles?


From which in turn references Nodah B'Yehudah, volume 2, Yoreh Deah, number 148.

So long as ascribing power to a deity other than the Creator remains conceptual, it is permissible to the Children of Noah according to many authorities. But worship of this independent being is clearly idolatry

Note: I have not checked the Nodah B'Yehudah, and nowhere does it say who wrote the book I copied from, so I hope, but can not be certain, that it's accurately representing what the Nodah B'Yehudah says.

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