Tuesday 19 January 2016

satmar - Who's מרן and what book is ד״ח in דברי יואל?

The fourth responsum in volume 1 (Orach Chayim) of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum's Divre Yoel refers (near its start) to "פסקו של מרן ז״ל בד״ח ח״ב סי׳ ו׳", "the ruling of our master's (OBM) in D.Ch. volume 2 chapter 6". What author and work are referred to?


I couldn't find it inside, but it's quoted here as coming from Rabbi Chaim of Tzanz.


Found it!!

It's here, Shu"t Divrei Chaim of R' Chaim of Tzanz Orach Chaim Chelek Beis Siman Vov.

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