Sunday, 17 January 2016

words - Getting your haircut in Japan

I have been living in Japan now for the last 3 months and my hair is starting to look like it needs a cut. But I have never been to a Japanese barbers before so as you can imagine I am a little nervous about it.

I have a couple of questions about getting your hair cut in Japanese:

What are common/useful words/phrases that can be used when getting your haircut?

Specifically it would be nice to know how to say I want certain parts of my hair a certain length.

Aside from those two specific things are there any other useful phrases, words or anything else that would be useful to learn before going to the barbers in Japan?


Thin it out. すいてください。
Thin out this part. このあたりを、すいてください。
I want this part this long. ここを、このくらいの[長]{なが}さにしてください。
Keep the front. [前]{まえ}[髪]{がみ}を[残]{のこ}してください。
Take about 1 centimeter off my bangs. [前]{まえ}[髪]{がみ}を1センチくらい[切]{き}ってください。
Shorten it in back by about 5 centimeters. [後]{うし}ろを5センチくらい[切]{き}ってください。

Trim a little more. もう[少]{すこ}し[切]{き}ってください。
Trim this part a little more. このあたりを、もう[少]{すこ}し[切]{き}ってください。
Can you make it look like this photo? この[写]{しゃ}[真]{しん}のようにしてください。/こんなふうにしてください。
Can I make an appointment for a haircut. カットの[予]{よ}[約]{やく}をしたいのですが。
How much is it for just a simple cut? カットはいくらですか。
How much is it for a cut and shampooing? カットとシャンプーだといくらですか。
How long will it take? どのくらいかかりますか。

Hmm...what else?

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

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