Wednesday 20 January 2016

tefilla - Answering Multiple People Saying Kaddish Out-Of-Sync

Many times there is more than one person saying Kaddish in shul. Unfortunately, because people say things at different speeds, and have trouble hearing each other across long distances, the Kaddish sayers go out-of-sync and end up at different parts of the Kaddish at different times.

My question is how to handle such situations with regards to answering Amen?


Yalkut Yosef (in Siman 55, #26): If the people are out of sync by more than toch k'dei dibur, then you answer each person when he reaches the right point in kaddish.

If they're within toch k'dei dibur, he lists 3 options in the following order (I don't know how to decide between them):

  • There are those who say you should wait until everybody finishes and answer all of them.

  • You can also answer the first person to reach that point, and it will apply to second person's kaddish as well.

  • Some people have the minhag of answering each person (saying amen twice)

To quote this in hebrew, because it is confusing

כשאומרים שנים או שלשה יחד קדיש, והאחד מקדים את חבירו, אם כל אחד בא בתוך כדי דיבור של חבירו, יש אומרים שימתין לאחרון ויענה אמן אחד ויעלה לכולם. וכן יכול להקדים ולענות אמן אחר הראשון ויעלה לו גם לשני. ויש שנוהגים לענות ''אמן ואמן'' על שניהם. ואם יש הפסק ביניהם אחר תוך כדי דיבור, יענה אמן אחר כל אחד ואחד

(Lastly, on, this halacha is numbered as #28)

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