Wednesday 13 January 2016

halacha - Is practicing Yoga against Torah?

What does Halacha and Halachic Authorities have to say about the permissibility of a Jew practicing Yoga? Is it Avodah Zarah?

If it is problematic, are there methods of doing it where it would be permissible?

If it is permitted, are there restrictions? For example, what about going to a Yoga class? What about having a Yoga instructor who does follow the meditations and beliefs?

Are there some Yoga styles that are less problematic than others?

Here is an answer that differentiates between the meditations of Yoga (problematic) and the exercise aspect (not a problem).

On the other hand, this answer says that any Jew aware of the "philosophy" on which Yoga is based should be wary of getting involved in the exercises, even when they appear to be isolated..

Authoritative sources would be great.

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